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What kind of paint do you use for a spray gun?

Spray Gun

There are many types of paints that are used in the painting of different items. While one type of paint may suit one purpose it may not ideally choose another. So, one has to be careful about selecting the right type of paint based on the requirement. Two of the most popular ways in which people choose to paint are using a brush or spray gun. Both of them are unique in their own ways and have their advantages and disadvantages.

These two types of paintings require different types of paint in most cases. You would have to be careful with your selection of paints when you are using a spray gun. This is because the paint that is too thick would not be ideal. It would end up causing the nozzle to clog and create other problems. In order to avoid all these things, you would have to be clear with your selection of paints.

Knowing your equipment

You would be surprised at the number of designs and models of spray guns that are available for painting. This can make the job of a person particularly difficult while choosing the right one for their needs. However, once you choose the right spray gun according to the purpose of selecting the paint would be much easier. Most of the spray gun manufacturers recommend a specific type of paint that is best suited for their spray gun. This means that you would just have to go by what they say making your job easier.

The other important thing you would have to look at would be the type of spray gun for painting you have chosen. Understanding how it works can determine which paint would suit it the best. So, getting a spray gun and unpacking it and reading instructions may be crucial for you to begin with. Once you read the instructions or the manual then you should know the basic dos and don’ts of the spray gun.

Types of equipment

There are a variety of spray guns that are available in the market for you to choose from. They are as follows:

Each of the equipment is best when used with a particular type of paint. So, depending on what sprayer you have you should choose the paint to use.

Types of paint

Now let us have a closer look at the types of paints available for use on sprayers. There are many types and the most used ones on spray guns are listed below. Always remember that you use a primer before using any type of paint with a sprayer. This would ensure good adhesion of the paint that you are about to spray. Once the primer is dry you would be able to use any of the following types of paint depending on the surface.

You now know the types of paints available we shall have a look at how they can be used.


This type of paint is ideal for use on sidings and floors. It is because it is thinner compared to other options. The paint is a combination of paint and water and hence gives a glossy look. In case you choose matte vinyl, it would be appropriate for use on ceilings and walls.


This paint is made mostly of polyester and comes under the midweight category. There are many categories to this paint. They include drying, non-drying, and semi-drying. There are also three types of finishes they provide when used on surfaces. They are glossy, alkyd semi-gloss, and alkyd flat and can be used based on the need as well. This paint can also be used while painting wallsas well as ceilings.


This paint was common during the 1900s and literally used for anything. However, you may have to use it up to 6 times to get the right finish. Moreover, you still would have to use sand after every coat which can be painstaking. It is rare but still used for some purposes for both matte or high-gloss finish on different surfaces.


The paint of this sort is versatile and can be used on wooden and walls. It has fast drying properties hence preferred over other options if you want the paint to dry faster. You can choose between satin, eggshell, semi-gloss, gloss, and flat finish with acrylic paints.

High Heat:

You can only use this paint when painting fireplaces or grills that you keep on fire. This paint can withstand heat of up to 1,200 degrees in Fahrenheit.


With this paint, you would have to mix water and has faster drying properties. This form of paint does not get backed up hence best suited for sprayers. Although not sticky this paint can get a little heavier.


Polymers, adhesives, and plastic form the core of this paint. However, it may not suit all types of sprayers hence checking with the manual of the sprayer is important.

Oil based paint:

In case you do not mix this with resin this can be light in weight. They can be used both for indoor and outdoor painting purposes. With quick drying properties you can save time by spraying a single coat.

Rust preventive paint:

Commonly this paint is used in metals that may rust as the name suggests. Cracking and fading of metallic surfaces can be avoided by using this paint. Mostly it is used for outdoor purposes only and not indoors.

Plastic paint:

This one is commonly used on plastic and outdoors on different surfaces. Although it is heavier it does not chip or fade too quickly. You do not have to use sand or primer after or before painting the surface.


So, now that you have had a look at the different types of paints and their qualities you can choose the best one. Always be clear about your choices and surfaces that you paint along with the compatibility of your sprayer. It is virtually impossible to put a mark on a specific paint and say this is best suited for sprayers. Each sprayer and paint have their own qualities and have to be used accordingly. So, ensure that you do not mix and match as you would lose the practical purpose of the sprayer or the paint by large.

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